Monthly Archives: July 2018

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Staying On Purpose in an Off-Course World

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

Passion – Purpose – Presence…

This has been an incredibly interesting, insightful and emotional week for me.

On a personal note, it represented my Mom’s Birthday and it’s the first to be celebrated since her passing. I was reminded how blessed I am to have been loved so unconditionally by such an amazing, intelligent and resourceful woman…and many beautiful memories were relived among internal giggles and external tears. (Not a pretty cry…the ugly one that your nose runs)

On a professional note, I’ve had the opportunity to explore new brands and players that are emerging in the industry which the wise will not ignore.  The game-changers, the disruptors, the insightful, spiteful and bad boys that will forever change the industry (there, did I manage to use every over-used term that everyone hates?) and take the professional Realtor® to a higher ground and deliver to the consumer a better experience.

As my two worlds collided this week, I was reminded how very challenging it can be to stay on purpose in such an off-course world.  I have officially turned off the T.V. (other than my crime shows…I need to keep my skills sharpened in the event that I need to hide a body and destroy evidence) and tuned into what sets my heart on fire.  Service.  I invite you to join me to reflect and rediscover what you are truly passionate about.

As a professional, full-time, full-service Realtor® you are a Servant Leader. You serve the needs of others first, work to put yourself out of business each and every month and then pull yourself up by your boot straps and database and do it all over again. You serve and strive to provide the best consumer experience possible each and every time on the hopes that you will make it to the closing table and be rewarded for your efforts.  It’s not a transaction…it’s a home, a future, fulfilling a dream.

Remember that life is short and your time to serve is shorter.  If you love what you do and are blessed to do what you love, keep doing it and be the best you can be!

Purposefully, passionately and wholeheartedly serve.  Remove the toxicity that surrounds you. If it is covered in human flesh…I’m sorry.  Tune in with me for the crime shows. Relieve yourself of the struggle and reward yourself with love, honor and appreciation.  Live in gratitude and surround yourself with it!   If you feel you are stuck in a rut and do not feel that you are being honored and rewarded appropriately for your productivity…find a better solution. As an independent contractor, your options are almost unlimited.

Find your tribe and serve to make a difference.  You will be rewarded far beyond a commission.

Be a resource and not a sales pitch!

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Transforming from Hostage to Host…

Category:KB Consulting Solutions


Why recruit? More importantly, are you coming from a place of survival or security?  When you perceive Recruiting as a “Dreaded Chore,” that message is obvious! If you are recruiting from a survival mode, the attitude and spirit reflected through your efforts to the candidates you seek will not enable you to reap the rewards (results) you desire.

However, when your spirit reflects that of a Host…one that is building (recruiting) from the attitude of contentment, security and stability, you will attract and hire the candidates that will not only build your company with the integrity and strength you desire, but more importantly growth that is built to last.  More importantly, when the Host re-invents the task to one of enjoyment and fun, the dreaded chore becomes a profitable, successful task.  Security over survival…always a better solution!

Bottom line: Associate growth that you will retain for the long term-truly impacts your bottom line in a positive way!

Here are Six Key Steps to make this happen!

I.  RE-Kindle the Fire

Map your direction and define your role…

Constantly re-invent and re-imagine your role to arrive at your destiny:

What hats do you wear?

  1. Recruiter/Broker/Owner/Manager
  2. Realtor/Broker
  3. Caregiver/Shepherd
  4. Community Leader
  5. Counselor
  6. Nanny/Daycare Provider
  7. All of the Above?????

Just as importantly, what is your Map? What is representing the Compass?

Again, what is the impetus driving your actions?

Hopefully not the elements of…

  1. Earth…who/what is “shaking” the ground beneath your feet
  2. Wind…who/what is “blowing” the loudest/hardest
  3. Fire…whatever is the “hottest” situation/problem at the present …not just smoking-FIRE!
  4. Water…who/what is pulling you down to the point of drowning

If these represent your compass, you are a Hostage…not a Host!

II.  RE-Think the Task-Why Recruit?

Further define why you are recruiting…is your motivation survival or security?

  1. Financial Freedom
  2. Purpose/Life Balance-working smarter/not harder
  3. Productivity-acceptable level for yourself & others
  4. Profitability-acceptable $’s for yourself & others
  5. Creating & maintaining a sense of Family within your office
  6. The means to escape to a greater/higher level of life

III.  RE-Define the Destination-Fuel the Fire and Task with Creativity!

  1. Imagine you at your best.  Work w/intention to fulfill that image…Reclaim your energy by being the Leader others are drawn to! Reflect the energy and fire of a Host.
  2. Engage others in the game plan-expand your team.
  3. Blend common principles w/ uncommon practices:
    • Creativity
    • Imagination
  4. Incorporate Recruiting Systems redefined

 IV.  RE-move the Pain

To get results, decide to have FUN!

“Fun creates enjoyment, which invites participation, which focuses attention, which expands awareness, which promotes insight, which generates knowledge, which facilitates action.  And action gets results.”


The difference when working from the perspective of being a Host (Joy) vs. a Hostage (Pain) will reap results beyond your expectations!

From the perspective of the Host:

  1. Tenants become Guests!
  2. You enjoy each role you’ve identified enabling you to tap into the Passion that landed you there! You work “IN JOY”!
  3. Compensation is more than $’s.  Wealth has nothing to do with money.

V.  RE-Establish the Comfort and Security of Home

Let’s learn a brief lesson from the story of Hansel & Gretel:

The Wicked Witch had two options to get attract children to her house.  She could ride around the woods on her broom, swoop down and scoop up the kids, or she could build a really great house that looked great, smelled wonderful and attracted kids completely driven by their senses.

To attract the best agents, build your office for not only comfort but convenience and speed.  In other words, build a really great house, make it attractive and encourage others to join you, make themselves at home…the true spirit of a Host.

VI.  RE-Joice with your success – What the real estate industry can learn from NASCAR:

As the fastest growing sport in the nation, NASCAR understands that success is a TEAM effort.  That is reflected in every element of the sport.  Not only does the success of the team depend on the vital role that each party plays, but NASCAR does an exceptional job in acknowledging the role and importance of each role played!  In the world of racing, the players are: Owners/Crew Chiefs/Drivers/Sponsors and Fans…In the world of real estate the players are Owners/Managers/Brokers/Realtors/Staff/Buyers and Sellers/Family and Team members.

More than ever, real estate is rapidly moving to a team sport.  The REALTOR® is becoming a consultant, incorporating the services and benefits of other related professionals to win the race by providing the most comprehensive service possible in assisting others to make their dreams a reality.  In order to staying on the right “track” to success, three essential elements must take place within your office:

  1. Maintain high standards
  2. Built for comfort, efficiency as well as speed
  3. Surrounding the track with partners

Acknowledgement that we are in a RELATIONSHIP BUSINESS to ensure success is vital! Taking care of your TEAM for the long haul is imperative! 


By focusing and intentionally following these steps, you move from activity to achievement.  More importantly, you move from Hostage to Host!  Profitability and joy will soon follow.

Be a resource, not a sales pitch.

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Going the extra mile…

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

In this week’s blog entry, we cast a wide net and cover what we believe is a critical topic in business and in life. It’s about delivering an extraordinary experience to those you serve. It’s about communication.  It goes far beyond my industry of real estate and reaches into any and all areas of business.

Technology has made life wonderfully efficient and added so many levels of speed and comfort to our lives.  As I travel today, I’m reminded how we have all benefited from technology in travel (remember, I’m the one who wondered why it took so long for someone to put wheels on suitcases), business and communication…

Wait…I’m not sure about the communication part.  Let me take that back…What technology has done is ill-equip us to listen and wholeheartedly discern what is best.  Too often, technology has created poor, bad habits that cloud and mask the best way to serve those in our path.

In my opinion, inefficient and ineffective communication is fueled by the fact that we all have the choice to speak face-to-face and really engage in a conversation or take the shortcut and text, email, or tweet our message.  SO much is lost in not looking into the eyes of the individual you are serving and truly listening to and identifying their needs.  SO much is lost in using a keyboard to convey a message and cheating your ability to interject tonality, understanding, empathy and compassion into your conversation.

What if? What if instead of going the extra mile, we simply take a few extra steps?

  1. Be.

Be fully present

When in communication. Be present. Show respect. Don’t multi-task and do many things as once. Stop, focus and commit to the conversation you are in.

  1. Seek.

Seek every opportunity to be face-to-face and share thoughts.

Face-to-face does not mean in the same room.  If and when your schedule and technology allow, sit face-to-face (Facetime, Zoom, Skype, Google Groups) and “show” the attention and respect that is becoming a lost art.  Make the one you are speaking with the most important person in the conversation. Look into their eyes.  Hear with more than just your ears.

  1. Ask.

Ask engaging and insightful questions to build relationships stronger.

The old saying that “people don’t care what you know until they know that you care.”

You don’t need to be the smartest person in the room.  You should strive to be the most caring.

  1. Listen.

Listen for the sake of hearing and not for the purpose of responding.

As a matter of fact, be slow to respond and even slower to react.  The act of aggressive listening opens unbelievable opportunities to serve.

  1. Show gratitude.

Mother Teresa stated, “There is a greater need for love in this world than food.”  Love is gratitude.  You lose nothing when you pause and say, “Thank you.” You lose nothing when you take time to care and show appreciation.

  1. Show respect.

No screens. When you do experience the luxury of being face-to-face, commit to put all devices down.  If an opportunity is important enough to schedule, it’s too important to lose to the competition of a screen.  Period.  No further discussion needed.

Many years ago, I had the pleasure of reading the book “The Aladdin Factor” (by Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield).  It changed my life. Literally, I have lived this book since reading it.  The content of the book features communication at an extremely high level.  Having the courage to ask for what you want and the respect of showing gratitude when you receive it.

The book empowers you to go the extra mile.

Onward! Be a resource not a sales pitch.

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Ready! Set! Re-set…

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

As we launch into Part II of 2018, we focus on how to finish the year strong.  It is beyond thrilling to work with professionals so committed to their craft that they are currently re-adjusting goals and re-imagining what this year’s success will provide for each.  Re-framed, and simplified—they are performing so darn well, we are increasing their goals for the year.

The market is moving.  Although some markets are slowing, shifting and perhaps adjusting, the market is moving!  Push, stay ahead of the curve.  Do not allow a good market to create bad habits.

The key to the success of our industry-leading Rock Stars and the reason they are staying ahead of the market and re-adjusting their goals for 2018 is because they are fundamentally sound.  Each is committed to plan their work and work their plan.  Here are the 5 key elements to ensure your success:

  1. Consistently touch your sphere:

In today’s market, so many people are chasing leads, biding time and waiting, hoping and wishing for leads and that the business will find them. If this is your business model,  stop it.  It is reported that less than 5% of leads are coming from the web.  Please stop chasing the elusive and tap strongly into your sphere, stay top-of-mind and take the business you’ve earned. This is about consistency.  Consistently staying in touch with those you serve and have served!

  • Direct mail
  • Pop-Bys
  • Social media communication
  • Follow-up phone calls
  • Client appreciation events
  1. Be intentional:

Frustration is a direct result of unmet expectations.  To insure success, be intentional; set your expectations with clarity, dimension and action steps.   Follow each step – execute and follow up.

  • Schedule
  • Activities
  • Communication
    1. Scripts
    2. Ask for the business
  1. Relentlessly follow up:

This is not an occasional follow up…this is a planned strategy that will ensure potential business does not “fall thru the cracks”.  After all, is there anything worse than discovering that past buyers, sellers and members of your SOI have used another REALTOR®?

  1. Being held accountable:

The most critical ingredient in a successful real estate career is accountability.  Having someone that is your Partner to serve as your support system, to help you overcome the challenges and seize each opportunity.  The right Coach will take your business to the next level.

  1. Living in gratitude:

Without exception, each Client that I serve lives in gratitude and works to develop and nurture relationships.  Each is more concerned and dedicated to providing an exceptional experience rather than counting transactions.  Each practices servant leadership.

As we get ready and set a plan in place to finish strong and reset to make 2018 the best year ever in your career, follow each step provided.  Message me for a confidential career evaluation and a discussion regarding how to build a strategy for each of the 5-steps listed.

Serving as a resource, not a sales pitch.

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Mid-Year Evaluation

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, you need a team.”

– John Wooden

Within the past 4 Blog entries we have provided excellent benchmarks to pause and conduct a mid-year check-up to re-define our destination, determine where we are in the journey and discern what adjustments are needed to reach our goal effectively and efficiently! Now, let’s launch into the 2nd half of the year and finish 2018 with a commitment and dedication to finish strong and make this our best year ever!

Our final entry is simple.  “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, you need a team.”  So, how do you strengthen the bench?  Leverage through the following steps:

  1. Identify the duties:
    a.  What needs to be done?
    Make a specific list of all tasks that must be done
    i.  This includes yet not limited to:
    a)  Listing to Contract
    b)  Contract to Close
    c)  All Marketing Responsibilities
    d)  Data Base Management
    ii.  This includes yet not limited to:
    a)  Daily activities within the parameters of your business model
    b)  Daily activities (within reason) to help you with personal tasks and duties
    b.  How does it need to be done?
    Migrate listed items to a “checklist”
    i.  Checklist inclusive of specific expectations of all items listed above
    ii.  List to be Inclusive of who is responsible for each item specified:
    (The key to this step is; once you let it go, let it go)
    a)  Establish check and balances (accountability for each task)
    b)  Establish the reward and consequences for each expectation
    c.  When does it need to be completed?
    i.  This list is inclusive of deadlines on items listed above
    ii.  What is the plan of action for communication?
    a)  To celebrate and convey when deadline is hit early
    b)  To re-group and re-evaluate processes and procedures should deadlines be missed
    d.  Determine what is negotiable and non-negotiable and act accordingly!
  1. Identify talent:
    The most frequent, expensive mistake we see Rainmakers (and all real estate professionals) make is to hire to personality and not to a job description.
    a.  Define the job
    b.  Find the talent specific to the job and hire for attitude and train the skill:
    i.  Hire to:
    a)  Personality
    b)  Strengths
    c)  Passion
  1. Lead, don’t manage
    a.  Be intentional, specific to intentions regarding job
    i.  Establish excellent communication guidelines
    ii.  Host reviews
    iii.  Provide Direction and Boundaries
    a)  Big Picture
    b)  Define Key Performance Indicators
    b.  Train and educate

Slowing a bit at mid-year and evaluating your performance and production numbers will speed your business up and ensure you have the best 2nd half ever!

Be a resource, not a sales pitch!

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