Don’t be frightened… be diligent and strategic!!
Category:KB Consulting SolutionsThere are infinite reasons that I love our industry. There are equally as many components of our business that frustrate me beyond words! One of the most consistently disappointing elements of the industry that we are reminded of annually (with NAR’s survey results) is that our database screams to work with us repeatedly…yet we fail to follow up and reclaim the business that is ours to have….
So, let’s be clear. REALLY, really, clear. Each year…the survey says that 82 to 84% of Buyers and Sellers would work with their REALTOR® again…not only would they work with us, they would tell friends, family and co-workers to work with us…YET, less than 20% do. And that each year that percentage declines.
Why? Well, it’s a logical answer. The time between the sale/purchase of a home has increased (the average has gone from 3-4 years to 6-8 years) therefore the percentage of consumers who “remember” who we are and how to reach us has declined at an equal rate…
Don’t be frightened…be diligent and strategic.
The real estate industry is on the cusp of rapid, significant change. It will happen slowly, then instantly. Hang on professionals, the industry we know and love will be dramatically different within the next 24 months.
What will change? Bricks and mortar, dynamics and culture will shift.
What will not? The power of the relationship you foster with your sphere of influence.
Build, reinforce, strengthen. Today and tomorrow with consistency, transparency, authenticity and sincerity.
You must be the confident, competent and resourceful professional who is equipped to guide and navigate them in the journey. Yet more importantly, you must create, maintain and sustain a consistent and strategic message to remind them who you are, where you are and the exceptional service you provide. Don’t be haphazard and pretend that you are so memorable that they will find you and employ you again and again. Instead be steadfast in staying top of mind and keeping ahead of their next experience. Be the professional they will readily refer their friends, family and co-workers to without hesitation. Be their super-hero!
As we dive into Q4 and finish the year strong, find the tool, adopt the practice and lock into habits that will bring your business back to you. Why pay for leads when your data base has already acknowledged they want you?
It is simple when you become a resource and not a sales pitch, you give people to work with the best and experience a great transaction.
Don’t be frightened by the impending changes and most importantly…. stop acting like you are frightened by your own power and success!
Be a resource not a sales pitch.