Category:KB Consulting SolutionsEven though the temps don’t reflect it, all indications are that summer is ending. Locally, school traffic creates chaos, school buses running their routes, church pews are filling back up and retail stores stock for the Holidays (yes, already)…
So how does that impact our industry…back to school equals back to business!!!
The ONLY way to ensure an amazing Q1 for 2019 is to dig deep and finish strong in Q4 of 2018. This is where simple is not easy.
Reach out and touch your sphere, consistently and with intention.
- Here is what we know based on surveys conducted by National Association of Realtors:
- 84% to 87% of Buyers and Sellers would use their REALTOR again
- 12% to 15% of a REALTOR’s Business is repeat buyers and sellers
Please read that again.
Yes, while many “buy” leads and chase the illusive hopes provided online, your sphere is wondering where you are.
- Here is the rest of the story:
- The average (national) time in a home is 8-10 years
- During their tenure in a home, the average buyer/seller will refer 3+ leads to the REALTOR who served them
Please read that again.
The most effective and financially efficient investment you can make into building your business is to dig deep and design, develop and execute a successful, consistent means to stay in touch (top of mind) with your sphere of influence.
Three easy steps to create and maintain simple systems:
- Discern that yours is a “database” and not simply a “mailing list’
- Invest time into your database and build it dimensionally and personally:
- Name
- Address
- Email Address
- Mobile
- Dates to remember: home purchase anniversary
- LOVE your CRM
- Select a CRM that functions for YOU.
- Opportunity to create categories and search modules
- Reminders—to promote you to reach out and touch
- Intelligence-history of Buyer/Seller
- Invest time into your database and build it dimensionally and personally:
- Create a “Set it and forget it” system to always stay top of mind with those you know
- Direct Mail (scheduled and programed to be mailed)
- Put yourself on the mailing list so you know what content has gone out
- Pop-By Schedule
- Face to face—get in front of them and make them feel important and appreciated
- Direct Mail (scheduled and programed to be mailed)
- Engage in Social Media
- Facebook
- “Friend” all within sphere
- Transfer data from profile sheet in FB to CRM
- Discern what is “unique” about the individual(s) and incorporate into a plan of action for pop-bys and direct mail
- “Friend” all within sphere
- LinkedIN
- Get into their network and follow success and changes in status
- Relocation
- Promotions
- Changes in employer which might be a catalyst for change
- Watch and listen
- Get into their network and follow success and changes in status
- Facebook
Social media is by far the greatest tool you have to strengthen and deepen your relationship with those in your database. Watch, listen and comment appropriately. Note changes in family status that might give you the opportunity to have an intentional and meaningful conversation.
The only challenge with social media is time management. Block small time segments and hold fast to your scheduled time to avoid getting lost in space!
We encourage you to commit and execute. Whatever you adopt and implement, do it wholeheartedly. Meaning that practice becomes non-negotiable.
Dig deep, finish strong! Every time you do not contact your database and neglect past buyers and sellers consistently and with intention, you give them the permission to hire a bad REALTOR.
Do it. Be a resource, not a sales pitch.