Mid-Year Evaluation
Category:KB Consulting Solutions“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, you need a team.”
– John Wooden
Within the past 4 Blog entries we have provided excellent benchmarks to pause and conduct a mid-year check-up to re-define our destination, determine where we are in the journey and discern what adjustments are needed to reach our goal effectively and efficiently! Now, let’s launch into the 2nd half of the year and finish 2018 with a commitment and dedication to finish strong and make this our best year ever!
Our final entry is simple. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, you need a team.” So, how do you strengthen the bench? Leverage through the following steps:
- Identify the duties:
a. What needs to be done?
Make a specific list of all tasks that must be done
i. This includes yet not limited to:
a) Listing to Contract
b) Contract to Close
c) All Marketing Responsibilities
d) Data Base Management
ii. This includes yet not limited to:
a) Daily activities within the parameters of your business model
b) Daily activities (within reason) to help you with personal tasks and duties
b. How does it need to be done?
Migrate listed items to a “checklist”
i. Checklist inclusive of specific expectations of all items listed above
ii. List to be Inclusive of who is responsible for each item specified:
(The key to this step is; once you let it go, let it go)
a) Establish check and balances (accountability for each task)
b) Establish the reward and consequences for each expectation
c. When does it need to be completed?
i. This list is inclusive of deadlines on items listed above
ii. What is the plan of action for communication?
a) To celebrate and convey when deadline is hit early
b) To re-group and re-evaluate processes and procedures should deadlines be missed
d. Determine what is negotiable and non-negotiable and act accordingly!
- Identify talent:
The most frequent, expensive mistake we see Rainmakers (and all real estate professionals) make is to hire to personality and not to a job description.
a. Define the job
b. Find the talent specific to the job and hire for attitude and train the skill:
i. Hire to:
a) Personality
b) Strengths
c) Passion
- Lead, don’t manage
a. Be intentional, specific to intentions regarding job
i. Establish excellent communication guidelines
ii. Host reviews
iii. Provide Direction and Boundaries
a) Big Picture
b) Define Key Performance Indicators
b. Train and educate
Slowing a bit at mid-year and evaluating your performance and production numbers will speed your business up and ensure you have the best 2nd half ever!
Be a resource, not a sales pitch!