Staying On Purpose in an Off-Course World

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Staying On Purpose in an Off-Course World

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

Passion – Purpose – Presence…

This has been an incredibly interesting, insightful and emotional week for me.

On a personal note, it represented my Mom’s Birthday and it’s the first to be celebrated since her passing. I was reminded how blessed I am to have been loved so unconditionally by such an amazing, intelligent and resourceful woman…and many beautiful memories were relived among internal giggles and external tears. (Not a pretty cry…the ugly one that your nose runs)

On a professional note, I’ve had the opportunity to explore new brands and players that are emerging in the industry which the wise will not ignore.  The game-changers, the disruptors, the insightful, spiteful and bad boys that will forever change the industry (there, did I manage to use every over-used term that everyone hates?) and take the professional Realtor® to a higher ground and deliver to the consumer a better experience.

As my two worlds collided this week, I was reminded how very challenging it can be to stay on purpose in such an off-course world.  I have officially turned off the T.V. (other than my crime shows…I need to keep my skills sharpened in the event that I need to hide a body and destroy evidence) and tuned into what sets my heart on fire.  Service.  I invite you to join me to reflect and rediscover what you are truly passionate about.

As a professional, full-time, full-service Realtor® you are a Servant Leader. You serve the needs of others first, work to put yourself out of business each and every month and then pull yourself up by your boot straps and database and do it all over again. You serve and strive to provide the best consumer experience possible each and every time on the hopes that you will make it to the closing table and be rewarded for your efforts.  It’s not a transaction…it’s a home, a future, fulfilling a dream.

Remember that life is short and your time to serve is shorter.  If you love what you do and are blessed to do what you love, keep doing it and be the best you can be!

Purposefully, passionately and wholeheartedly serve.  Remove the toxicity that surrounds you. If it is covered in human flesh…I’m sorry.  Tune in with me for the crime shows. Relieve yourself of the struggle and reward yourself with love, honor and appreciation.  Live in gratitude and surround yourself with it!   If you feel you are stuck in a rut and do not feel that you are being honored and rewarded appropriately for your productivity…find a better solution. As an independent contractor, your options are almost unlimited.

Find your tribe and serve to make a difference.  You will be rewarded far beyond a commission.

Be a resource and not a sales pitch!

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