Category Archives: KB Consulting Solutions

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A Bountiful Harvest

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

In this season of Thanksgiving, I pause and wonder…why is there a season of Thanksgiving?

My hope for all this season (especially myself) is that we are reminded of the unearned blessings which are showered upon us.  The complicated, yet simple things most of us take for granted each and every day.  Breath, water, clean air, freedom and of course the five amazing senses to experience each and every opportunity surrounding us.

This season, let us hold the light and be the reflection of an amazingly complicated, yet simple industry.  As real estate professionals, we represent the essence of servant leadership. We work tirelessly to serve in hopes that we will be compensated 45 to 60 days later…and what an amazing opportunity and ride that is!  At the end of the event (homeownership) we witness the essence of life’s purpose…empowering others to live the life of which they have only dreamed.  The gift of creating and maintaining future memories that will leave a legacy for generations.

This week’s Tuesday’s with Kathy’s focus is not on a better industry, yet on the business of being better in and for the industry.  While you allow your light to shine…turn it up a bit.  Yet don’t turn it on yourself…turn it on others.  The greater you allow them to shine, the greater your reach and impact.

As you greet friends, family and acquaintances over this week of Thanksgiving.  Leave a sweet scent with every step you take.  Rather than walking in with an air of “Here I am!!!!”, enter and serve with an attitude of “There YOU are” ….

Our industry provides both the stage and opportunity for the season of Thanksgiving to become a daily practice.  Be a resource, not a sales pitch.  Sow graciously and cheerfully and you will reap abundantly.  Far beyond your imagination.

Gather, be thankful, love, and be purposeful.

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Stop, Drop, & Listen

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

As you may know, or perhaps even listened, I recently had the awesome opportunity to be interviewed by an amazing influencer in our industry and he asked some simple questions that I would like to delve a bit deeper into now.

What’s the most important habit a recruiter can refine?

If I have only ONE…it’s to refine the art of listening.  Hearing is one of the five senses….and listening is an art. The habit to refine?  Become an artist.

Steps to master the art of listening:

  1. Master the scripts for all calls.
    a)  You must master scripts for your phone calls, texts, social and most significantly your face to face interview.
    b)  Remember there are 3 phases to scripts mastery:  Memorize, internalize and customize…
    c)  Once you are confident of what you are going to say…you strengthen your position and your ability to listen aggressively.
  2. Once you have mastered your scripts here are examples of what you are more open to hear:
    a)  Phone interviews:

    1. What is the speed at which they speak?
    2. What is their tonality?
      Listen to identify their behavior style and you will then know how to drive the interview should you get face to face…Are they motivated by emotions or money?
      Why?  70% are emotional decision makers.  It’s not the money it’s what the money will do that compels them to move.

    b)  Face to face Interviews:

    • Listen with more than your ears…listen with your eyes, your ears and your heart.
    • IF they are in front of you, in your office…they are hirable TODAY.  Period. End.
    • Listen aggressively to find out where their pain is…this is unlocking the key to recruiting success and mastering the art of attracting the talent you desire by mastering the ART of LISTENING.
  3. You may have coaches recommend that it’s all about the questions you ask…YES!
    a)  You do ask probing questions, yet if you are not listening to their response and responding appropriately, it moves from a consultation to an interrogation very quickly.
    b)  The 70% of prospects who are emotional decision makers will make their decision to join you during your presentation.

In a world so filled with instant reactions, gratification and responses, we often catch ourselves so eager to respond that we truly fail to listen.  Stop that now. Instead, be a resource, not a sales pitch.  Listen more than you speak.  And when you do speak, contribute value and solutions, not babble.

Recruiting is weaving the amazing tapestry called your story…each thread is important.  What holds it all together and completes the tapestry is the art of listening.

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Top 5 Tips for Real Estate Recruiters

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

I recently had the awesome opportunity to be interviewed by an amazing influencer in our industry and he asked some simple questions that I would like to delve a bit deeper into now.

What is the Best Advice for Starting as a Recruiter?

Be a resource, not a sales pitch—remember, your job is not to “sell” your company, yet it is to discern if your company is the right fit for your candidate.

Here are the Top 5 things to remember:

1.  What and whom are you attracting?

  • Part-time
  • Co-Career
  • Full time professionals
  • All the above

And it’s okay, there is no wrong answer!  You must stay true to your model and how you support your model, which means everyone is not a fit! Find those who are, hire them and move onward!

2.  Do you provide resources to support each?

  • Why?
  • How?
  • When?
  • What difference will it make (transactions) to the candidate?

3.  What is the value of your company based on benefits, tools and services you provide?

  • Be prepared and confident to discuss and consult to the value of each. —This is NOT an elevator speech! This is the heart of the consultation.
  • How can you dollarize each tool, benefit, resource that you provide?

i. Meaning how many additional transactions will each add?
ii. What do that do to the candidate’s bottom line

4.  For Heaven’s sake, you cannot lose what you don’t have. Make the call!  While you are worried about what you will say, they are worried you will not call!  The worst thing that can happen is they say…No…and by the way, they are not saying “Heck NO! NEVER” …they are saying…. “Not now”, or “Not yet”, or “I’m not in enough pain where I am to overcome the fear of change” …

This has been magnified through social media.  If you are doing a great job (and if you are not, why not?) allowing candidates to sneak a peek at how attractive your business model, office and culture is for the real estate industry, you must pick up the phone and call and invite them in.  When you don’t call them, they are like the pretty girl who was never asked to the dance.  They are sitting by the phone and waiting.  They may say “Not yet” and that is okay.  They are still longing for a call.

5.  Be so good and know your value so well, that you are unstoppable and you WILL attract who you want.

Recruiting is telling your story.  It is weaving the fabric of your organization, including your value, tools, resources, benefits and culture into a beautiful tapestry in which your prospect or candidate wants to be securely wrapped in.  Tell your story better.  Be so compelling that they ask you to join, today.  If they don’t…make sure you ask them.  They just might do it.

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Don’t be frightened… be diligent and strategic!!

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

There are infinite reasons that I love our industry. There are equally as many components of our business that frustrate me beyond words!  One of the most consistently disappointing elements of the industry that we are reminded of annually (with NAR’s survey results) is that our database screams to work with us repeatedly…yet we fail to follow up and reclaim the business that is ours to have….

So, let’s be clear.  REALLY, really, clear. Each year…the survey says that 82 to 84% of Buyers and Sellers would work with their REALTOR® again…not only would they work with us, they would tell friends, family and co-workers to work with us…YET, less than 20% do.  And that each year that percentage declines.

Why?  Well, it’s a logical answer.  The time between the sale/purchase of a home has increased (the average has gone from 3-4 years to 6-8 years) therefore the percentage of consumers who “remember” who we are and how to reach us has declined at an equal rate…

Don’t be frightened…be diligent and strategic.

The real estate industry is on the cusp of rapid, significant change. It will happen slowly, then instantly.  Hang on professionals, the industry we know and love will be dramatically different within the next 24 months.

What will change? Bricks and mortar, dynamics and culture will shift.

What will not?  The power of the relationship you foster with your sphere of influence.

Build, reinforce, strengthen.  Today and tomorrow with consistency, transparency, authenticity and sincerity.

You must be the confident, competent and resourceful professional who is equipped to guide and navigate them in the journey.  Yet more importantly, you must create, maintain and sustain a consistent and strategic message to remind them who you are, where you are and the exceptional service you provide.  Don’t be haphazard and pretend that you are so memorable that they will find you and employ you again and again.  Instead be steadfast in staying top of mind and keeping ahead of their next experience.  Be the professional they will readily refer their friends, family and co-workers to without hesitation.  Be their super-hero!

As we dive into Q4 and finish the year strong, find the tool, adopt the practice and lock into habits that will bring your business back to you.  Why pay for leads when your data base has already acknowledged they want you?

It is simple when you become a resource and not a sales pitch, you give people to work with the best and experience a great transaction.

Don’t be frightened by the impending changes and most importantly…. stop acting like you are frightened by your own power and success!

Be a resource not a sales pitch.

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Make it Happen

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

Here we are, completing 2017 and facing a new year!  So here are the million dollar questions…

  • Where are you?
  • Do you have a 2017 Business Plan?
  • Have you reviewed your 2017 Plan?  How frequently?
  • Are you on target to hit or surpass your goal?
  • What is the ROI on time, energy and financial contributions regarding your Business Plan?

We find that at this season of the year, you will fall into one of two categories:

  1. You have reviewed, honored and adjusted this year’s Business Plan! Congratulations!  You are ahead of the gang and planning well above the real estate tribe.  As a result, I’m willing to bet that you are very close to, if not exceeding your annual, projected goal.  Again, my sincerest congratulations!
  2. You are not even sure where your Business Plan is.  It was completed and filed.  You’ve thought about it, but haven’t looked at it since you completed it!

If this is your case, although you are in the majority in the industry…we need to chat.  Seriously.

“Thunder is good,

Thunder is impressive;

But it is the lightning that does the work!”

Mark Twain

This quote was chosen because it perfectly mirrors the conversation:

The “Thunder” in your professional journey is the Business Plan. It may be spectacular, BOLD, comprehensive, specific, dynamic, articulate, and printed on top quality paper and leather bound with your custom logo.

The “Lightning” represents the action items and steps around each specific goal outlined in your Plan.  The lightning strike is when the steps are completed and the action has been fully executed.

No matter how amazing your Business Plan looks, without action is it useless.

Let’s look at the 8 Tips to ensure lightning strikes in 2018!

  1. These goals must be YOUR goals. Your numbers must support your “BIG WHY”
    Don’t get caught in someone else’s chaos and aspirations for you.  You must own this.
  2. Keep it real!
    • Will local market conditions/stats/history support your goals?
    • What are local market projections and how does this factor into your plan?
    • What is occurring in the local economy that may or may not support your plan?
  3. Remember a goal is stretch!
    If it’s a number that you’ve already achieved…is it really a goal?
  4. What are your non-negotiables?
    • What are you willing or not willing to do to achieve and/or surpass your goals?
    • Who celebrates and benefits when you succeed?
    • Who suffers and sacrifices when you don’t hit the mark?
  5. Set deadlines
    All activities must have deadlines/consequences
    Time block and live in your calendar daily to ensure you make good business decisions
  6. Review your Business Plan Monthly.
    • Yes, monthly.  Think transaction to transaction.
    • You may think you are way off course when you may only be one or two transactions short.
    • Reaching your goal in production is much like weight loss.  Ignoring the scales does not make the pounds invisible.  Not looking at your Business Plan monthly does not change the results.
  7. Adjust Quarterly.
    As you review monthly, watch for trends and changes in the local market and economy which may impact your results.  Plan quarterly for these as well as for seasonal changes and opportunities.
  8. Celebrate!
    Take time to celebrate each success!  Reward yourself within you budget and thank all around you who have supported and facilitated your success!
    Real estate IS a storm!  There is thunder and there is lightning.  Celebrate the great days and totally embrace the rough times.  Thunder is loud and often frightening yet it’s the pre-cursor for great things to come.  So…light it up!  Strike hard, fast and often!

Be a resource, not a sales pitch.

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The Covenant

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

Definition of covenant:

1:  a usually formal, solemn, and binding agreement:  compact… international law, which depends upon the sanctity of covenants between rulers. — George H. Sabine

2a:  a written agreement or promise usually under seal between two or more parties especially for the performance of some action the deed conveying the land contained restrictive covenants:  the common-law action to recover damages for breach of such a contract

Covenant? What does this term mean to you?  It may hold significant spiritual meaning or personal commitment of another sacred meaning.   Whatever the emotion, memory or significance it brings forth for you, it is a word to be taken seriously and respectfully.  Agreed?

As we move forward to exhaust Q4, let’s look at the powerful meaning of “covenant” and how we might incorporate and infuse it into our professional perspective to provide an extraordinary experience for those we serve.

First things first, let’s rewind to take a historical view of how many of us were trained to capture referrals from Buyer and Sellers.

If you and I share similar real estate DNA, we were told to ask for the referral at the closing table, right?   Well, just what IF…what if we turn that around?

Here’s your “Perspective Shift Challenge” …

Rather than asking for the referral at the closing table, what IF we ask at the kitchen table?  What if we ask for the referral when the listing is signed rather than closing?  Now I am aware of how technology has changed the physical dynamics of the transaction; yet may I offer an illustration of the prospective process….

After all, at the end of the transaction, i.e.; closing, let’s face it…your seller or buyer is exhausted! Most likely, they hate the moving process!  They are totally over the process of conveying property, the protocol, the players and most specifically…YOU!

So, we are challenging the norm and asking you to ask for the referral during the “honeymoon” season of your relationship rather than when the transaction closes!

Below is the recommended script/dialog for success:

The Covenant

Our Goal and Promise for Success:

When you think about selling your home, do you think the experience will be that of an event or a process?

Most people think that selling their home is an event.  Sign the listing agreement, place a sign in the yard, put the listing in MLS and sell the home.  Right?

Well, it’s not.  Selling your home is a process.  And as with all other processes…there will be good times and bad.  There will be times of ease and elegance and times of blood and guts…and perhaps a few tears.  Tears of joy and tears of relief!

My job as your REALTOR® is to make the process as effective and efficient as possible.  My role is to lead you through the process…to get the highest price, in the shortest time with the least amount of disruption and frustration possible.  How does that sound?

Great!  Now may we discuss your role?

What I need for you to do is to provide a minimum of one referral to me during the process of selling your home.  So, I (and my staff) may ask you frequently, “Who do know that I should be talking to?” …at that time, you may share with me all that you know who may be interested in buying or selling a home.  Now, in the event you can provide more than one referral…well, that will be great too!


This is a professional Covenant.  Think about it…as per definition, a covenant has multiple participants.  Allow your Sellers to play a significant role in the “process” and there make them a vital part of the success!

We are confident this shift will generate a huge increase in your inventory.  Perhaps even doubling with no additional expenditures in time, talent or finances.  It’s just a matter of mastering your scripts and dialog.

Go!  Be a resource and not a sales pitch and double your inventory and income!

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Making Time

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

Often in workshops I will ask, “Who will commit to make time to prospect?”  Without exception and hesitation ALL hands flail into the air.  How about you?  Will you commit to make time?

Well here’s the reality, no matter how anxious, willing, sincere and dedicated you are…you will not.

You cannot “make time”.  It is simply impossible.  Our Creator gave us the gift of 24 hours in each day and no one (to my knowledge) has the power or authority to “make” more.  So, stop it!  Stop setting yourself up to fail under the illusion that you will “make time” to complete the tasks and fulfill the dreams that you have.

The acceptance of this was a true life changing experience for me.  When I acknowledged, and accepted that I was powerless to make time, yet was total the BOSS of managing my time, not only did life and the game change, more significantly, the results changed.

Let’s look at the 7 Steps to Manage Your Day

1)  Find YOUR best resource for time management:

Whatever is best for you, adopt, embrace, implement.  Ranging from latest technology to the sun dial, there is no wrong resource.  If you understand, embrace and utilize and maximize the tool…it is okay. Own it.

2)  Beware of Technology:

Although many have adopted and consistently evolve to master technology based tools for time management…many have not. I once fell under the pressure of “need to get out of a paper-based day timer and into the 21st century” for tools and failed horrifically!  What I found myself dissolving to was the “15 minute” alert kinda day in which I would cruise from task to task based on what the alert told me to do.  What a train wreck!

Soon realizing that I need the view from 32K feet each day vs. ground zero, I migrated back to an amazing paper resource that allows me to map out my time “at a glance” (quarter by quarter, month by month, week by week, day by day and yes…hour by hour!)

Do I still have an alert 15 minutes before each activity?  YES!  However, I’m efficient, effective and prepared. Often, I celebrate, because the task may have been completed in advance because I can work proactively rather than reactively by working forward!

3)  Discern what is non-negotiable:

  1. Define what your big WHY is and move daily to achieve your goals
  2. Discern what is non-negotiable to make things happen
  3. Determine what will be sacrificed if you give in and give up

4)  Live in YOUR Calendar:

  1. Put all activities, personal AND professional into your calendar
  2. Honor all activities scheduled that are non-negotiables
  3. Time block and stay in calendar with a long-range perspective and snapshot which allows you to work proactively vs. reactively

5)  Dollarize each activity scheduled:

We find it important to know the value of each activity that is planned.  Keep it simple!   Here’s the formula…

  1. Define either the value of each commission closed (if you are an agent in production) or the total revenue on each agent hired (if you are in an ownership/leadership role) and add that into your time block when your activity is listed.  Example: “Lead gen = $4500” …because that is the potential ROI on the time you budget…
  2. Include all personal activities: (family, friends, social)
    As an example, when you time block those items we recommend you not the following:
    Date Night with Spouse: Priceless
  3. By the way…personal activities as referenced above should be non-negotiable!

6)  Discern who/what suffers when you deviate from your schedule:

This is simply of review of your big “WHY?” …at all times, you need to practice and exercise a check and balance of what is working and what is not and adjust.  Celebrate what is working and modify what is not working.  The biggest step in this element is to discern…who/what suffers when you negotiate your non-negotiable.

  1. Spiritual
  2. Family
  3. Professional
  4. Social

7)  Learn, Leverage and Lead!

If after consuming these first 6 steps you say, “But wait, I work better under pressure”; or “I don’t’ work perform well with a schedule.” I respectfully call bulls*_%!

Our experience shows that IF you say “THAT”, you also say “THIS”, “I’m so overwhelmed!” Well folks, overwhelmed is simply a direct result of being under-prepared.

So, STOP it! Get on board, get in your calendar and work it like the Boss that you are!

Ditch the myth of “making time” and embrace the concept of “managing time”…Trust me it is a life-changing action!

Be a resource, not a sales pitch!!!

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Let’s Make 2018 Your Best Year Ever

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

So, it’s the first week of the 4th quarter.  Where are you?  Not physically…in your business plan?  If you know, and are tracking your progress and re-adjusting your business plan to meet your goals, congratulations!!!  You are way ahead of the market and many of your peers.  If you haven’t peeked at your current business plan since you crafted it, may we consider a different perspective on the way we do business?

To have you best year ever in 2018 and surpass your goals, there is one simple, effective, sure-fire way to ensure success.  Finish 2017 strong.  Stay with me…this is simple, yet not easy….

Throughout my career in real estate, I have heard that real estate has a cycle. The myth has been that there is a cycle between Thanksgiving and the beginning of the New Year in which business slows and essentially stops.  Have you also heard that?  It. Is. A. Myth.

The only thing that “slows” and “stops” in the 4th quarter is the agent.  Real estate is a 12-month business. People move January through December. Agreed?  Then why the does even the seasoned professional stop and feed the myth of a cycle?

The answer really doesn’t matter. The reason to me is as illogical as their business practices.  Starting today, let us commit to no longer feed the myth.  Let us commit to work through Q4 with a relentless spirit and dedication to deliver extraordinary customer service.

Now, this is important…. a strong Q4 may or may not enable you to hit your current year’s goal.  However, pushing throughQ4 with vengeance will empower you to launch into next year with an unstoppable advantage over your competitors.  Remember, January’s closings start today. And a great January leads to a successful year!!!

5 Action Items Necessary to Finish Strong

1)  Make the most of upcoming social events
During the 4th Quarter of the year, you will have the opportunity to see and network with many individuals.  The question that is always asked are extremely predictable. Be prepared to answer each appropriately!

  • Are you still in real estate?
  • How’s the market?
    It is important to think through and script your responses carefully. Of course, you want to avoid sounding “salesy” yet you want to lead with intention:
  • Are you still in real estate?
    “Absolutely, I’m still active in the real estate market and love it…if there is ever anyone that you know that I should be talking with, please let me know!”
  • How’s the market?
    “Wow! It IS a great time to be in business. The market is great (and add some positive stats) …as good as the market is, if you know of anyone that I should be speaking with, please don’t hesitate to let me know, or have them call me.  It is the time to make a move if that’s in your game plan!” *

2)  Sow and Reap
Dig in and reach out! During Q4 is the easiest time to reach out and touch your entire sphere of influence.  Stay strong, steadfast and consistent with your mailings and phone calls.

  • Direct Mail
  • Geo Farming
  • Center of Influence
  • Sphere of Influence
  • Social Media Campaign
  • Pop Byes
  • Community Service
  • Client Appreciation Event(s)

3)  Ask the right question
Often it is challenging and almost seems in appropriate to ask for business at certain events.  We recommend that you keep things very conversational.  What if you interject into all conversations (that involve business and real estate) with the question….

“Who do you know that I should be talking to?”….this opens up your opportunities WAY beyond “Who do you know interested in buying or selling a home?”  The opens the conversation and casts a net far beyond one transaction, it opens the door to business opportunities.

4)  Never be “so busy”
In all communication and conversations, be intentional not to use the term or give the impression that you are “Too Busy” or “SOOO Busy”.  The is your opportunity to gently remind those whom you serve, what you do.  IF you give the impression that you are “Too busy” what they hear is that you might be an exhausted, overworked sales professional who needs a rest and quite frankly is too over-whelmed to provide an extraordinary and exceptional experience for them.  Be careful of the seeds you plant in the minds of others.

5)  Live in Gratitude
Q4 tis the season to reach out and thank all of those who have made your year as great!  Don’t miss the chance to sincerely thank and acknowledge each for the specific role they have played and the gifts they have contributed.

The key word here is specific.  It will not always be a referral.  It may be words of encouragement, mentoring, advice or support in your time of need.

Reach out and remember those who played a role in your success.

And always, be a resource, not a sales pitch!

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Holding on to your best!

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

May we all agree the most effective and efficient recruiting a Broker can do is to retain the agents they have?  We know this, yet why is our churn rate often high?  Well, honestly, sometimes we simply attract and hire the wrong talent for our organization. Yet the most common challenge is that agents (like your market) are constantly moving…leadership delays the process!

Best practices for Agent Retention:

Recruiting is how well you tell your story…retention is how well you live and deliver the story you tell.

The Key thoughts to empower you to provide what you’ve promised:

  1. Transparency!  This starts in the initial conversation!
    Here is the dialog I used when adding agents to the office:
    “Selling real estate is a process…not an event …so is office leadership.
    In the sales process, you can experience ease and elegance or blood and guts. The same is true for Brokerage Operations.  I choose ease and elegance; therefore, you will find a copy of our Office Policy and Procedures Manual in your On-Boarding Kit… and it is to be discussed and signed by all parties once you officially join!”
  2. Take care of all details in writing: *
    Included in your Office Policy and Procedures Manual should be written guidelines for all office practices, protocol and procedures.  Some examples may include:
    a.  How we handle all money issues:
    i. Delinquency; monthly investment
    ii. Commissions paid;
    iii. Commission disputes,
    iv. E&O Claims
    b.  What marketing practices are acceptable.
    i. How, when, what, why
    ii. Brand (if applicable) compliance standards
    c.  Pre Nup
    i. In the event things don’t work out how do we handle
    1.  Inventory
    2.  Pending Sales
    3.  Unpaid expenses owed to the Brokerage
    ii. This is the birth of respect and integrity.  How you end the relationship is being viewed by the entire real estate community.  Lead with strength not by fear.

    *While, much of this may or may not be included in the Company/Brand Independent Contractor Agreement (ICA) however it is important to remember that what is provided by your Brand is a boiler plate and may not be customized to you market and your specific office practices.  Make sure you take time to customize to protect all parties involved.

  3. Set both expectations and consequences for all parties:
    a.  Set expectations for all essential brokerage necessities:
    i. Production
    ii. Participation
    iii. Attitude
    b.  Set consequences for what happens when things go up-side down.
  4. Praise publically, coach privately
    a.  Praise publically! It is important to pat both your agents and staff on the back for a job well done.  Make sure your appreciation is shown frequently, consistently, justly, fairly and most importantly…sincerely.
    b.  When performance does not meet, or exceed expectations, coach privately.   Behind closed doors, fulfill the role of the Leader and lead. Have the tough conversation.  Reluctance to address the problem never makes the problem go away or better. Often it has the opposite impact.  Hit the challenge square in the eye; honestly, directly yet with care and compassion!
  5. Recognize patterns and address them
    a.  Often with sales professionals, patterns and behaviors impact production. As the Leader document the pattern so that you can discuss it at the appropriate time wisely and logically.
    b.  Once the established pattern has been discovered and explored, have the conversation.  With care and candor discuss how the pattern might be impacting production and relationships.
    c.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  When discussing production and behavior patterns, again praise publically and coach privately.  This conversation must be free of all emotion yet hosts the potential to build a bond that cannot be shaken.
  6. LEAD!
    a.  As a Leader, you have most likely tapped into two amazing gifts.  The gift of anticipation and the gift of discretion. Practice and honor both.  Work ahead of all opportunities before they become challenges.  Buffer and avoid as much drama as possible.  This is a huge assignment yet a significant practice.
    b.  Train your tribe!
    i. Encourage best practices for all real estate activities
    ii. Provide resources for the best systems, processes and procedures
    iii. Be a resource, not a sales pitch.  Provide what is needed to take each member to their desired level of production.
    c.  Educate your tribe!
    i. Provide relevant, state of the art, industry specific tools, resources and benefits to ensure your agents grow their business.
    ii. Keep the vision and goals HUGE. Challenge each with industry specific opportunities to grow their business under your leadership
    d.  Celebrate
    i. Frequently and publically!
    ii. Consistently find way so recognize and celebrate as many members as often as possible.  This action much be all inclusive and not limited to a select of Top Producers.
    e.  Coach and consult.
    i. Constantly work to build respect and trust with your tribe!
    ii. Communication must be authentic and frequent
    iii. Empower each member to create a 1-3 and 5-year vision, and discern what action steps must be taken today to fulfill each year’s.

Simple is not always easy.  This is a great example of that principle.  Once you involve the dynamics of personalities, emotions and friendship things have potential to become complicated.  That’s why our advice (for the third time in this blog) is to have all things in writing.  It’s much easier to make the call when all parties have agreed and signed off!

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One of the Greatest Rules of Leadership

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

Do you remember the childhood game, “Follow the Leader?” Now if you remember and if you will agree and admit you enjoyed the game ONLY IF you were the Leader that everyone followed, that was perhaps the birth of your destiny to become a Leader…

Indeed, the first indication that you have leadership qualities and characteristics surfaces very early.  As schools start back, I’m sure seasoned teachers in the classroom can and will readily identify the leaders and the followers within the first few weeks of school.  There is no right or wrong, good or bad distinction between the two…remember all tribes must have Chiefs and Indians to be a healthy, productive tribe who live in harmony. Right?

My experience on the road to Leadership has been colored with exceptional people and a variety of experiences that have paved the broken road to success.  One of the greatest lessons I learned was a bit painful, a bit embarrassing, a bit of a blow to my ego…yet the growth after accepting and acknowledging the lesson learned was life changing!

This law of leadership is simple, not easy.

Once you hire correctly and have the right members in the right position for your tribe, you just need to get the heck out of the way to allow them to grow, enrich and develop the business objective you seek to accomplish!  More simply, when you hire competent talent, get OUT OF THEIR WAY and LET THEM DO THEIR JOB.

Boom!  Period! 

Simple, yet not easy….

Here are 3 essential steps to keep in mind as you move out of the way and onward to greater success in leadership:

I.  Embrace Change

  1. The first change is to accept that things will NOT be done the way you would do them.  Now we all know that our way is not necessarily the only way, yet it is certainly the BEST way of accomplishing any task. Right?  WRONG!
    • Others may do things differently
    • Other may do things better
  2. Allow leverage to be your Friend and allow you to complete either income producing task, or pleasure producing task.  Getting out of your way allows you to do more, better.
  3. Tell your EGO to take a hike.  It will be done differently, it will be done better.  That’s okay. Really…it is.

I recently had a Coaching Client upon return of an extended vacation state to me…” You know, while I was gone, I delegated (leveraged) several tasks to my Assistant and she did an amazing job. It was so great to realize that she is trained, competent and able to handle her job duties and perhaps a bit more.  Now I’m looking around trying to figure out what else I can give her that I will not take back.”

Now folks, this is leadership growth in action.  The key takeaway for me and where I see the greatest stride to masterful leadership, delegation and leverage?  The closing phrase…” What else can I give her…that I WILL NOT TAKE BACK.”   He totally gets it.  It’s about letting go and letting it happen.  Not only get out of the way, yet stay out of the way!!!!!

II.  Double-Line Rule:

As an old-school accountant (when our only technology or computer was a 10-key adding machine with a tape), you will remember the “double-line” rule.  That was how you validated that all accounts were in balance.  If your debits and credits were in balance at the end of the report, you always drew double lines under each column to indicate…” All good, we are in balance”.  To check for completion, you simply looked at the bottom of each report.

  1. Others may do things differently.  That’s okay. For the transition of power to effectively and efficiently happen as you get out of the way, it’s imperative to have systems, procedures and processes in place.
    • Other will do things differently, yet as long as protocol or procedures are followed and you can “double-line” each project upon completion—it’s great!
    • Change occurs when fresh eyes take ownership of a task and offer opportunities to improve, modify, simplify, deconstruct and reconstruct to improve the outcome.  If you can “double-line” the result to meet your objective, accept the change and stay out of the way.
  2. Others may do things better.  So, what if fresh eyes see ways to improve what you are doing?  What if there is technology to replace your way and allow a stream-lined more accurate way of meeting your objective?
    • Listen and allow the owner of the project to offer suggestions, vet solutions and improve the way you are doing business.
    • Beware of seeing change as a threat and challenge to your authority.  My philosophy has always been to hire people much more skilled and knowledgeable that me.  Trust me, it has NEVER been a problem. When you find that talent…empower them to be the best they can be.  Allow them to serve well and OWN not only the project, yet also the results, the credit.  “Double-line” their success with gratitude, acknowledgement and celebration.

III.  As a leader, be prepared to experience:

  1. Growth beyond expectation.
    Production, confidence, profitability
  2. The benefits of leverage
    • Understanding the power of delegation
    • Getting more done fueled by getting out of the way
  3. Explosive results
    • Improved effectiveness and efficiency as an organization
    • Ways to do more with less

There is huge opportunity when you can get out of the way of others and empower the next generation of leadership to learn, grow and have ownership.  Let it begin with you.  The feeling is liberating and the results are astounding.

Lead by example…be a resource, not a sales pitch.

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