Make it Happen
Category:KB Consulting SolutionsHere we are, completing 2017 and facing a new year! So here are the million dollar questions…
- Where are you?
- Do you have a 2017 Business Plan?
- Have you reviewed your 2017 Plan? How frequently?
- Are you on target to hit or surpass your goal?
- What is the ROI on time, energy and financial contributions regarding your Business Plan?
We find that at this season of the year, you will fall into one of two categories:
- You have reviewed, honored and adjusted this year’s Business Plan! Congratulations! You are ahead of the gang and planning well above the real estate tribe. As a result, I’m willing to bet that you are very close to, if not exceeding your annual, projected goal. Again, my sincerest congratulations!
- You are not even sure where your Business Plan is. It was completed and filed. You’ve thought about it, but haven’t looked at it since you completed it!
If this is your case, although you are in the majority in the industry…we need to chat. Seriously.
“Thunder is good,
Thunder is impressive;
But it is the lightning that does the work!”
Mark Twain
This quote was chosen because it perfectly mirrors the conversation:
The “Thunder” in your professional journey is the Business Plan. It may be spectacular, BOLD, comprehensive, specific, dynamic, articulate, and printed on top quality paper and leather bound with your custom logo.
The “Lightning” represents the action items and steps around each specific goal outlined in your Plan. The lightning strike is when the steps are completed and the action has been fully executed.
No matter how amazing your Business Plan looks, without action is it useless.
Let’s look at the 8 Tips to ensure lightning strikes in 2018!
- These goals must be YOUR goals. Your numbers must support your “BIG WHY”
Don’t get caught in someone else’s chaos and aspirations for you. You must own this. - Keep it real!
- Will local market conditions/stats/history support your goals?
- What are local market projections and how does this factor into your plan?
- What is occurring in the local economy that may or may not support your plan?
- Remember a goal is stretch!
If it’s a number that you’ve already achieved…is it really a goal? - What are your non-negotiables?
- What are you willing or not willing to do to achieve and/or surpass your goals?
- Who celebrates and benefits when you succeed?
- Who suffers and sacrifices when you don’t hit the mark?
- Set deadlines
All activities must have deadlines/consequences
Time block and live in your calendar daily to ensure you make good business decisions - Review your Business Plan Monthly.
- Yes, monthly. Think transaction to transaction.
- You may think you are way off course when you may only be one or two transactions short.
- Reaching your goal in production is much like weight loss. Ignoring the scales does not make the pounds invisible. Not looking at your Business Plan monthly does not change the results.
- Adjust Quarterly.
As you review monthly, watch for trends and changes in the local market and economy which may impact your results. Plan quarterly for these as well as for seasonal changes and opportunities. - Celebrate!
Take time to celebrate each success! Reward yourself within you budget and thank all around you who have supported and facilitated your success!
Real estate IS a storm! There is thunder and there is lightning. Celebrate the great days and totally embrace the rough times. Thunder is loud and often frightening yet it’s the pre-cursor for great things to come. So…light it up! Strike hard, fast and often!
Be a resource, not a sales pitch.