Where would you like to take your business?

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Where would you like to take your business?

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

So often, when we ask this question in coaching, we receive responses such as:  ”Double my business”, “Take it to the next level”…and other intangible, random, almost whimsical, wishful answers.

So, let’s get real…let’s get specific and let’s work with intention and specific numbers and goals. Let’s discern…what is it? After you have that number and is locked and loaded and totally non-negotiable, let’s define the path to make it happen.

You see, I am simple.  S.I.M.P.L.E. and I believe that what attracted me to this industry is that it too is simple.  Now don’t be confused.  I did not say easy.  I said simple.  Having said that, how do you simply, yet effectively take your business to the next level?  By combining systems with consistency and an acute attention to details.  You become relentless.  Not a pest, yet persistent.  You put into a place a “set it and forget it” method of reaching out and touching all that you know and remind them what you do…

What if, you adopted a simple (there is that word again) question that you weave into every conversation and engagement you have with others? What if you simply asked, “Who do you know that I should be talking with?”  We love this because it takes your conversation to the next level which will in turn, take your business to the next level…it opens dialog and challenges the audience with which you are speaking to think much broader than buyers and sellers.  It gives them permission to think…investors, developers, builders, allied resources AND buyers and sellers.

Where could this one simple question take your business?

Once you have mastered incorporating this into your dialog and end each conversation (written and spoken) with this challenge, note what happens.  Note how opportunity abounds.

Remember two things…

  1. It’s not who you know…is who knows what you do and how well you do it.
  2. When you do not remind others of the business you are in and the extraordinary service you provide, and ASK them for their business, you are giving them permission to hire a bad REALTOR and endure a horrible real estate experience…

Do the right thing, please.  Ask the simple question…

“Who do you know that I should be talking with?”

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