Memorial Day Reflections

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Memorial Day Reflections

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

As we pause to remember and celebrate and honor those who have served and sacrificed so much for our freedom, land and country…I realize that a simple thank you just is not enough. The realization as a business owner that the opportunity I enjoy each day comes at the cost of those who have given so much is overwhelming.

For today, as a female real estate professional, I also pause to honor many women who have stepped up, overcome the odds and served our industry so well!  Amidst a somewhat male-dominated leadership model/trend, there are many professionals who have defied the odds and achieved huge success. All who have served in the past and still serve today share the objective of striving to create the best business environment for ALL. I’m proud to know so many, and sincerely thank you for the sacrifice you make and dedication you show each day to make the real estate industry better.  I sincerely appreciate the undeniable change you have made and how you continue to influence the industry.

A specific thank you and show of appreciation and gratitude to Sherry Chris, Pam O’Connor, Pamela Alexander and most of all Margaret Kelly.  Ladies, you have served an ever-evolving, ever-changing industry with grace, intelligence and dignity.  Your impact is long-lasting and the lives you’ve shaped and mentored are forever indebted to your service.

Personally, I can’t wait to see what’s next!   Commit to serve our industry as a resource and not a sales pitch.

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