Stand for Something
Category:KB Consulting SolutionsThe fourth key in our 5 Keys to Legendary Leadership is to “Stand for Something.” To stand for something means to lead with your soul.
Okay, I know about soul-searching. I sing and dance to soul sounds. I cook soul-food. Yet leading with your soul? What the heck does that mean?
Leading with your soul is about growth. Legendary leaders understand and embrace that they can only lead as far as they grow. Wow. Sit with that for a moment. Seriously. Sit with it.
Legendary leaders know you can lead only as far as you grow. I love this. Especially in the real estate industry. In an environment and business model that is constantly changing, yet remaining the same … we only lead as far as we grow? In other words, we must constantly challenge the status quo … and grow? Yes!
Now, here is the key: You will grow only as far as you let yourself.
Hmmm … In other words, legendary leaders are NOT legends in their own minds. They are learning from others. They are listening. This is NOT the reliving and replaying “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” This is NOT surrounding yourself with only those who agree with you. Legendary leaders assemble a tribe of challengers. Legendary leaders fill the room with professionals who “respectfully” agree to disagree. Legendary leaders embrace wisdom. They couple candor with care and grow.
Legendary leaders are never satisfied with where they are. As we have discovered in this series, it’s about vision, heart, gut, and now, wisdom (which is my interpretation of growth). Wisdom is not knowledge … it is combining knowledge with experience and listening to and being open to extraordinary results…
Legendary leaders do not limit their growth by limiting their exposure to opinions, practices, procedures and opportunity. They listen to more than the voices in their own heads; they listen to others. They give credit away … they acknowledge others. They step back, allow and encourage others to live, work and serve beyond expectation! Legendary leaders come from contribution. They think service, not recognition. Legendary leaders build their people and stand for something. They listen with heart and lead with soul.
Listen, learn, leverage, and lead from your soul.
Be a resource, not a sales pitch.