Do the Work
Category:KB Consulting SolutionsThe third key in our 5 Keys to Legendary Leadership is to “Do the Work.” This key may be the most challenging in unlocking the success of others. To do the work means to lead from your gut.
The older I get and more experience I put under my belt, the more I understand (and question) human behaviors. Some are complicated, many are not. For instance, common sense is not so common. My faith teaches me there are gifts of the spirit. We all know individuals who are gifted and share those gifts endlessly. Sadly, we also know individuals who ignore, withhold their gifts and choose not to share. (These are generally miserable people.)
Legendary leaders share their gifts and lead from their gut. They stay extremely humble; they remain grounded; and serve. Service is work. Work is a four-letter word that leaders embrace! Leading with your gut means getting a bit of mud on your boots and under your nails all while listening to your intuition. Intuition is a gift.
The gift of intuitiveness is common among leaders. Listening to their intuition is what makes leaders legendary.
Legendary leaders understand that in order to lead, you must first serve. They understand that the video and audio must match. Always. They understand they are being watched. Their work ethic is mirrored among those they serve. What an awesome responsibility to know that others will mirror what you do … this provides the opportunity for leaders to be “response-able” by allowing their work ethic to become an example of how all should serve. This is not exclusive to the real estate industry, yet essential. Our industry is simple; yet never easy. Successful real estate professionals understand that delivering extraordinary experiences requires hard work, dedication and commitment.
Finally, leading from your gut requires extreme trust. Trust in yourself. Often, that is the most difficult challenge. It is human nature to question your value and your worth, and that erodes trust. Often, one of the vital roles a Coach plays on a leader’s journey to success is to facilitate the pause. To focus on each milestone achieved, while seizing each opportunity to build trust. To stop, acknowledge and celebrate each victory, while remaining humble and servant-oriented.
Listen, learn, leverage, and lead from your gut.
Be a resource, not a sales pitch.