Hold the Vision
Category:KB Consulting SolutionsThe first key in our 5 Keys to Legendary Leadership is to “Hold the Vision.” To hold your vision is to lead with your mind.
Now that is powerful. So powerful that you might ask, “How does that work?”
My experience with legendary leaders is they not only possess the ability to see things others don’t, they have the ability to articulate their vision so clearly that others see and believe. Not only do they believe, they join in to help obtain the goals set forth.
Legendary leaders hold the vision and remain steadfast. They continue seeing the end result in their mind’s eye in the midst of roadblocks and detours. Challenges quickly become opportunities. This applies so appropriately to the real estate industry. Those of us whom have survived the many ups and downs, ins, outs and cycles understand the significance of leaders keeping the vision clear. We understand how legendary leadership is essential in an ever-changing, volatile industry.
To hold and fulfill the vision, legendary leaders set standards and non-negotiable goals while delicately learning to pivot. In an industry that changes as rapidly as real estate, pivoting is critical. While leaders may need to pivot, change their methods, and adapt to technology, communication trends and techniques, the vision does not change.
Legendry leaders are laser focused yet adaptable to needed modifications and changes. They basically see the vision when others doubt and question. They see the vision when others don’t. Especially when others don’t! They hold on while others doubt, deny, back-peddle and quit. Legendary leaders are relentless in their pursuit driven by clarity and transparency.
The final element of legendary leaders holding the vision is accountability. Their desire to be held accountable and hold others accountable ensures that while the methods may be modified, collaboration and teamwork through accountability are vital on the path to success.
Lead, learn, leverage, and hold on to your vision.
Be a resource, not a sales pitch.