Generate Unity

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Generate Unity

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

This topic is so dear to my heart.  And it starts with a very simple question. Why on earth have we participated in “Diversity Training” for the past few decades?  What confused individual or group thought it would be a good idea to gather people of all kinds and discuss how we differ? Who on earth thought it would be good to start debates, inspire hatred and divide so many by pointing out why we might not get along?

Here is my next career venture. I want to host opportunities for these same individuals and groups to gather, discuss, explore and celebrate how we are ALIKE!  Now some of you may say, but Kathy, we already do that…I’m not so sure.

Although we are commanded (scriptures) and encouraged (society) to celebrate one another, something has gone wrong.  But not in my industry!!!

There are several things about my industry that makes me extremely proud.  Almost without exception, real estate breathes and lives unity. Within our associations, brands and brokerages, we are one.  We work collaboratively to provide housing for all.  There is commitment to serve homeowners and provide alternatives for those who cannot (for whatever reason) participate in home ownership and often put them on the right path to purchase, if that is what they desire.

The REALTOR® community as a whole “gives back” at an extraordinary level.  Keep in mind, when a licensed REALTOR® contributes to a cause, we are giving from commissions earned, not a salary, not a guarantee, not from fear, but from faith. Faith in each other and faith in you.

I have often said, a healthy tribe of REALTORS® greatly resembles a beautiful box of crayons.  Regardless of condition, shape or color, where they’ve come from, where they’ve been, or what they believe, each contributes their best.  As the most diverse group of individuals on the planet, we show up and work for others truly exemplifying servant leadership on many, many levels.

Because of our actions and results, we are the poster children for Unity Training.

Thank you for who you are, how you serve and for those who work to be a resource and not a sales pitch.

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