Shhhh…Did you hear that?

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Shhhh…Did you hear that?

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

We live in a world and work in an industry that gives endless opportunity to serve and make a difference every day.  As we launched this series last week with the Leadership Lessons of Captain Michael Abrashoff, we discussed an overview of leadership.  This week we will consider the art of listening.

As we come off the day of celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, we examine an example of another great leader.  We are reminded that “Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve.” Dr. King served with talent and passion.

The common thread of these two great leaders is the ability to listen aggressively and respond appropriately.

One of the most under-developed of the 5 senses Is the sense of hearing.  As you well know, my belief is that listening is an art. In our daily lives, and especially business, the greatest gift you can give someone is the gift of being present and aggressively listening.  When we focus on what is being said vs. how we are going to respond. The dynamics change significantly, and change occurs.  Change for the positive!

Captain Abrashoff believes in the following 3 practices.  I believe when we adapt these beliefs from the military and apply them to our profession we can move forward and achieve growth beyond our dreams.

See the Ship thorough the Crews Eyes:

I’m certain that you have to surround yourself with worthy, intelligent and hardworking people. (If you have not, seek immediate change.)

  • The greatest opportunity to improve both your professional and personal lives is to learn from those who surround you.
  • See your business through the eyes of others.  Allow them to introduce great insight to how to improve and generate greater business, both efficiently and effectively.
  • Ask colleagues what they need more of and less of to be more productive.
  • Ask them if they were in charge for a day, what changes would they make.

Find Round People for Round Holes:

Develop your listening skills to the degree that you identify the needs and ensure that the right people are in the right position.  This is not limited to your staff and Team.  This also relates to buyers and sellers.  Ask questions that motivate, inspire and allow others to self-discover where they need to be.

Use the Power of Word Magic:

It is extremely important in the development of your aggressive listening skills to “hear” the voices inside your own head.  Yes, we all have them.  Sometimes they are even in harmony with your goals, yet often they create disruption and confusion.  As you listen, make sure that the self-talk that you are hearing is positive and supportive.

We only have the ability to think positive or negative.  Did you realize, as humans, we are incapable of thinking both at the same time?

Make the right choice.  Choose positive, healthy, and supportive language and individuals to fill your life.  We are exposed to enough negative.  Shield yourself from hate, judgement, and destructive communication and activities.

Remember, everyone can be great, because everyone can serve.  To listen is one of the greatest acts of service available.  Listen aggressively and choose to be a resource, not a sales pitch.

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