Follow the Leader

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Follow the Leader

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

In a world full of instant impressions, overload of social interaction and fake everything, leadership is more important than ever.  Honestly, the real estate industry is starved for it.

Historically, military leaders set the course and show us how it should be done! That could not be more true of Captain Michael Abrashoff as he took command of the USS Benfold.  The Captain was assigned to the worst ranking ship in the US Navy and through following the method we will highlight over the next series of Blogs, he turned it completely around resulting in being ranked the highest performing ship!  Abrashoff did this by being the leader others wanted to follow.

In the real estate industry those who set the example and live the life of leadership, both professionally and personally are easy to find and very easy to follow.

As you evaluate your business model and review your business plan for 2018, let’s embrace the role of being the leader that others follow wholeheartedly.  These are 5 Steps to consider when Leading By Example:

1.  Evaluate your Leadership Skills:
In this industry, we are constantly being evaluated.  Our production, our customer service, our professionalism and how we treat others…all others.  First things first, get out the mirror and take a comprehensive look at yourself.

  • Look inside and conduct an honest, self-evaluation to discern your leadership skills and how you attract others to follow you
    • What do you provide that sets you apart from all others?
    • Why would someone choose you?
  • Evaluate your level of preparedness
    • Are you prepared to meet your 2018 goals?
    • Do you have the tools, support and resources available to hit your goals?
    • What do you need more of, what do you need less of?

2.  Never underestimate your effect on people:
This applies to all levels of all businesses.  It is critical to treat others with the respect and care they desire…not deserve.  If we want repeat business and to work at a level that referrals are about relationships, this is critical.

  • Leaders must understand the profound affect they have on people
  • Optimism and pessimism are equally infectious
  • Leaders set the tone and spirit of all those around them
  • People may forget what you say, yet they will not forget how you make them feel

3.  Get to know those you serve and those who serve you:
One of the fundamental keys to Captain Abrashoff turning the ship and obtaining the remarkable results he did, was that he intentionally got to know each Sailor on the ship at a deep, personal level.  Why had they joined the Navy?  What was their “Why?”  What he quickly discovered was that many had been assigned to a task they had neither passion nor talent for.  The relationship he fostered developed, he re-assigned the talent and the results came.

  • Exceptional leaders take the time and trouble to know their people
  • Know your people at a 7-level depth so that you may anticipate needs and serve at an extraordinary degree
  • Be intentional with communication
    • Listen aggressively
    • Speak with clarity

4.  Know how to be held accountable:
Embrace accountability at the highest possible level!  It is much easier to hold others accountable when you are performing at a high level of accountability.  Risks shrink, performance goes through the roof.  As a Coach, I will always be coached.  Personally, I am conflicted holding others accountable if I am not being held accountable to my personal goals and vision.  Coaching is key for me.

  • Develop a culture which allows people to openly acknowledge mistakes, take responsibility and move ahead through accountability
  • Avoid the blame game
  • Designate an accountability partner and allow yourself to be held accountable
  • Hire a Coach

5.  Obey and follow the course, even when you disagree:
As our industry changes and new policies, procedures and players enter the game, it’s important to remain compliant and follow the rules! Even when we know a better way which may be more effective and efficient, we must remain within the guidelines provided for us.

  • With your business plan and goals, stay true and follow your course of action
  • Evaluate your progress often and adjust and modify as needed, yet remain within the agreed upon boundaries, guidelines and rules of real estate
  • Within your business plan, what do you need more of? What do you need less of?

Make 2018 your best year ever through leadership.  Be a resource, not a sales pitch.

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