Pause for a Moment…

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Pause for a Moment…

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

We made it!  Another year in the books.  We’ve performed amazingly, served as best as possible, made lots of mistakes (hopefully…because if not, you are not trying very hard), learned lots of lessons, and enjoyed many celebrations of life.

We are ready!  Ready for another year!  We have our vision, objectives and strategy condensed into our 2018 Business Plan (if not, we need to talk), ready to perform amazingly, poised to deliver an exceptional experience to all we serve and leave a legacy by making lots of mistakes (again, that’s a great indication we are trying hard), learn lots of lessons and enjoy many celebrations of life!

Yet, before moving one step or one thought forward…let us pause.

Let’s take this day to make a list of what went incredibly well in 2017.

  • What do we want to do again, and again and again?
  • What are we most proud of in 2017?
  • Who is the one person who has had the greatest impact on your life this year?
    • Why not call them right now and thank them?
    • And may I suggest one call be to your Broker/Owner/Manager?
  • How did we serve in a way that left an amazing impression/impact on someone’s life?
    • How do we do that again in 2018?

Our industry is no different than any other.  There is constant pressure to do more and more.  The combination of technology, trends and shiny objects frustrate and fascinate us simultaneously.  While teasing and taunting us to do better, be faster, smarter, bolder and soar, seldom do we hear the message that we are enough.  Our knowledge and wisdom (and there is a huge difference), combined with our passion and dedication to serve results in amazing experiences for Buyer and Sellers…and all others in the path to homeownership.

Today as I pause, I say thank you to the professionals who serve my industry so well.  Who work tirelessly to navigate a delicate and challenging pathway to provide solutions and opportunities through homeownership.

Today, I pause to celebrate and thank the amazing Broker/Owners and Managers who serve their customers—The Real Estate Agent—and provide opportunity after opportunity. To empower each to earn, learn and serve.  Theirs is a difficult and often thankless job!  They are on the line each and every day.

Today, we ask you to pause. To celebrate and to catch your breath as we ramp up to have the greatest year in your career.  Let’s do this….be a resource not a sales pitch!

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