Bless the Emperor’s Heart…

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Bless the Emperor’s Heart…

Category:KB Consulting Solutions

In my career, I’ve had the opportunity to witness first-hand, face to face, elbow to elbow, real- world, real-time” Emperorism” vs. Leadership.

Emperorism is the phenomenon of what happens when the desire for ultimate power over takes common sense, sound judgement and good business practices.  And, just so you know, all industries and all professionals are at risk of falling into the trap of thinking “your way is the only way” …and surrounding yourself with individual, raving fans who work for your approval rather than transparency, the greater good, the big picture…serving others.  Beware of the individual who will say whatever the Emperor wants to hear and allow the Emperor to attend the parade naked…all while pretending there is fabric in the loom…

Every experience one survives should provide a lesson to grow from and live by.  Listed are the TOP 10 lessons learned and how to work to achieve the status of Leader and avoid the pitfall of Emperorism in the real estate industry today:

  1. Don’t be afraid to believe in yourself, yet don’t lose focus of reality.
    • Remain humble, compassionate, caring and candid.
    • Be real and stay real.
    • Admit when you are wrong.
  2. Know your Tribe…Seek clarity on whom you serve.
    • Personally
    • Professionally
  3. Understand why you serve.
    • What is your objective?
    • What is the reason you get up every day and do what you do?
    • What do you hope to achieve at the end of the day/week/life?
  4. Ensure your goals to serve are well-aligned and compliment your objective.
    • Does your “why” match your “who”, “what” and “how”?
  5. Be aware of those who surround you and the support they provide for your cause:
    • Does each provide an honest, insightful and respectful perspective?
    • Does each challenge the status quo?
    • Is their motive for growth and development genuine or self-serving?
    • Does each challenge you to think from and see things from a perspective other than your own?
    • Does each ask questions to help you see and identify roadblocks, blinders and other obstacles that color the true picture?
  6. Work and select members of your team who bring genuine talent and insight into your organization.
    • Seek and select talent so rich you avoid being the smartest person in the room
    • Get out of the way and not only allow, yet encourage systems and pathways for talent to be talent and maximize their development
    • Provide constant opportunities to foster growth and allow others to shine
  7. As a Leader, be willing to hear a voice other than you own:
    • Listen aggressively and open-mindedly
    • Seek honest, insightful, transparent feedback
      • Note:  Emperors are at risk of becoming ventriloquists. Leaders avoid pulling strings and moving the mouths of others to get the response they desire.
    • Acknowledge and accept honest feedback (even when it hurts)
    • Embrace solutions (even when they are costly)
    • Hear the cries of those who are served and acknowledge (even if you don’t agree)
  8. Our industry is one of consistent disruption— Disrupt!!!
    • Consistently conduct SWOT analysis to see how you can dominate your market space through positive and productive disruption
    • What do you need to do to maintain your competitive edge?
    • What do you need to stop doing to maintain your competitive edge?
    • How do you maintain your value in the market?
    • How do you dominate your space by providing the most amazing real estate experience imaginable?
  9. Be accountable to provide as promised.
    To weave the desired results regardless of your role and place in the industry, accountability and transparency are critical.  As the Leader, ask yourself these questions:
    • Engage systems to check “the loom”:
      • Is the loom performing as intended?
      • Are those investing in the loom achieving the desired ROI?
    • Check the loom for “fabric”:
      • Is there fabric in the loom?
      • Is the fabric flawed or damaged in any way?
      • Does the fabric provide the quality product desired?
    • Discern when changes are needed in your business practices:
      • Is the “loom” still the best way to weave the product desired?
      • What better ways are available to achieve the results you desire?
      • Are you one “pull” away from your desired results raveling away before your eyes
    • Demand to be held accountable.
  10.  Say what you do, do what you say.
    • Don’t be deceived by what other tell you; look in the mirror
    • Improve it or change it.
    • Acknowledge who you are, what you represent and what you have

In all sincerity, if you have not recently read The Emperor’s New Clothes, please do so.  It’s a wise tale that holds many business lessons, rules and principles…You may be encouraged or enraged by the similarities represented…and if you choose to be the Emperor and not a Leader, and show up to the parade naked, please, for heaven’s sake, make darn sure you at least look good naked.

Enough said…

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